Ini Contoh Teks Pidato Perpisahan Sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris, Simak Yuk!
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KANTINPENDIDIKAN.COM - Berikut ini contoh teks pidato perpisahan sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris.
Contoh teks pidato perpisahan sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris ini bisa digunakan sebagai referensi bagi kalian yang bertugas untuk mewakili kelas atas (VI, IX dan XII) di jenjang masing-masing.
Nah, bagi kalian yang sedang mencari contoh teks pidato perpisahan sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris, silakan lanjut membaca sampai selesai.
Kalian dapat sesuaikan dengan jenjang masing-masing.
"Peace be with you and Allah's mercy and blessing as well.
Your excellency Headmaster Mr./Mrs. (tulis nama Bapak/Ibu Kepala Sekolah di sini lengkap dengan gelarnya) and also Mr. and Mrs. Teachers.
I hope, on behalf of my friends praise up our thanks be to the presence of God, the Great, for showering us blessings so we all get the chance to gather in this place for attending the most memorable moment in our life.
On this moment, I from the deep of my heart with all students who have studied in this lovely school, would like to say ton of thanks for all of you.
For guiding us with patience,
For giving us knowledge with sincerity,
For laughing together,
And for everything you gave,
Finally, we got it! We can pass such hurdles and it's paid off.
It's been for (six, three, four) years we study and learn many things in this such a lovely place.
We felt never walk alone for you always
standing along the path of our journey.
Thank you very much for supporting and motivating us.
But, now, the time is coming, we have to go for another paths. However, you will always be always be with us.
There is nothing we can give, but our prayer for the deepest of our heart we hold to the Almighty for giving you safety, prosperity, and strength to continue your duties.
We hope,
We wish,
We pray,
Mau your good deed will be blessed by the All Loving in order He reward you reasonably. Amien!
We do hope that all of you would be pleased to give us prayer and blessing in pursuing our dreams.
Mr./Mrs. Headmaster and teachers whom we deeply honor, we do apologize for mistakes and misbehavior during the study.
Thanks be to the presence of God, the Great Unity for showering us with blessings. Amien. Peace be with you and God's blessings.
Demikian tadi contoh teks pidato perpisahan sekolah dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kalian gunakan sebagai salah satu referensi saat kelulusan sekolah. (KP)
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